DAO Services

Finding a path between bureaucracy and chaos
The Ready is a future-of-work consultancy committed to changing how the world works—from business as usual to brave new work. The challenges DAOs face as radically decentralized organizations are precisely the types of challenges The Ready has been helping the most innovative organizations—and ourselves—with for years. As a self-managing and decentralized organization, we know what it's like to work in new ways and the common pitfalls when exploring the edges of new organizational design.
How We Help
We have a myriad of ways to help—from standalone workshops to
embedded coaching services to acting as DAO super contributors. We exist to help you and your DAO become radically effective, human, and adaptive.
Org design upskilling sessions
Getting clear
on strategy
Strategy creation, articulation, and execution is one of the areas where current best practices can most benefit from principled disruption. DAOs often lean too far into chaos or hold tightly to bureaucracy. Our Strategy Workshops help DAOs unlock a third way and turn strategy into a living, breathing, evolving part of the system. We’ll work with you to develop a Purpose, Essential Intent, and Quarterly Outcomes that will get your DAO working toward the right stuff without turning you into a stuffy corporate bureaucracy.
Custom workshops
Learn and experience principles and practices that will accelerate your DAO’s Operating System. Topics include:
- The Future of Justice
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and DAOs
- The Future of Governance
- The Future of Your DAO’s Organizational Operating System
Organizational operating system coaching
Leveling up leadership
We partner with you and meet on a regular cadence to coach and support you as you are deep in the weeds of building and scaling your DAO. We are a thought partner and trusted resource to help answer fundamental org design questions.
Our Approach
We help DAOs create the inspiration, space, and participation that unlocks a whole new level of performance. We don’t do this with posters and PowerPoint. Instead, we start with an invitation—a chance for teams to co-create and pilot new ways of working. In successive waves of disciplined experimentation and learning, teams have the ability to methodically invent their DAO’s OS. Along the way, we offer advice, facilitation, and guidance.
When we start by starting (rather than debating and perfecting), teams experience immediate benefits and the behavior and mindset changes we seek begin to spread naturally. It’s hard to watch other DAOs become highly engaged, faster, more effective, and (dare we say it) happier and not wonder why all DAOs don’t work that way. In the end, a lot of our work is about helping DAO leaders and contributors get out of the way so the cultures they’ve always longed for can emerge.
The Ready has engaged in deepening our understanding of the ways oppression, marginalization, and inequity show up in our own company and in the industry we work in. We acknowledge that this work does not have a finished or final state. Rather, it demands an ongoing dedication to learning, experimentation, empathy, and justice. The Ready continues to transform the way we work through learning circles, affinity groups, and making changes to our OS that reflect our principles and values related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (or JEDI). We’re proud that our OS is designed to be inclusive. At the same time, we remain engaged in real-time work to ensure that the access and use of our shared power is equitable in practice, and we’re continuously learning ways to increase equity in our system.